Walmart Increases Pay for Store Managers

The average salary for store managers will go up to $128,000, with potential for large bonuses.

January 22, 2024

Last week, Walmart announced increased pay and incentives for its store managers. According to an email sent to store managers from Cedric Clark, EVP, store operations, “We’re simplifying and increasing store manager wages. With this investment and upcoming annual increases, the store manager average salary will go from $117,000 to $128,000 a year.”

The email also announced that the company redesigned its bonus program. The program, according to the email sent to store managers, “will play a bigger role in calculating your annual bonus. If you hit all targets, your bonus could now be up to 200% of your base salary.”

The email stated: “The number one driver of job satisfaction is an associate’s manager, and we believe that you—our frontline leaders—are the best in retail. Not only are you responsible for exceeding customer expectations day in and day out; each of you is the CEO of a multimillion-dollar business. And you’re the driving force behind the development of our next generation of leaders.”

In addition, the company noted that frontline associates will earn, on average, an hourly pay exceeding $18 an hour. According to Reuters, Walmart employs about 1.6 million associates in the United States.

In September, Walmart cut starting pay for some positions. The move flatlined starting pay, so that, for example, cashiers and people who collect items for online orders now start at the same rate.

In other Walmart news, last week the retailer closed its so-called Store No. 8, a business unit meant to spur innovation.

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