FDA Releases Draft Menu Labeling Guidance

Agency says the draft guidance is intended to assist establishments with implementation of the menu-labeling rule.

September 15, 2015

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Friday a draft guidance document (PDF) to assist companies with menu-labeling compliance. In July, FDA extended the compliance date to December 2016. 

FDA says the draft guidance is intended to help establishments implement the menu-labeling rule. Public comments are welcome, and the agency says it will consider all comments before finalizing the guidance and consider updates. “We are committed to working collaboratively with establishments covered by the menu labeling final rule, including chain restaurants, covered grocery stores serving restaurant-type food, and others, now and in the future, to answer additional questions,” said the FDA is a statement.

NACS is currently reviewing the draft guidance and will have a full analysis in the coming days. Be sure to check NACS Daily for the update.
