Nevada Considers Regulating E-Cigarettes as Tobacco

A new bill introduced this week would label liquid nicotine and electronic cigarettes as tobacco for regulation purposes.

March 04, 2015

CARSON CITY – Electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine might become tucked into current tobacco regulations in Nevada if a new bill introduced this week passes, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. Senate Bill 201 would put vaping and e-cigs under the state’s Clean Indoor Air Act, which outlaws smoking in nearly every public area. The bill is now before the state’s Senate Judiciary Committee.

“These products are unregulated, so it’s a free-for-all,” said Maria Azzarelli, tobacco control coordinator for the Southern Nevada Health District. “Anybody can make them, anybody can sell them.” Azzarelli is in favor of legislation regulating the devices.

In February, the Nevada Senate Revenue Committee heard a different measure that proposed taxing liquid nicotine at 30% of wholesale cost, but the members said too many questions about electronic cigarettes remain unanswered to approve the bill. Given those queries, it’s unlikely the bill will proceed beyond committee.

As the use and sale of e-cigs has increased lately, more states are considering how to regulate the devices. In January, the governor of Michigan vetoed three bills that would have taxed and regulated e-cigs as tobacco. Nationally, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is pondering what rules, if any, should regulate liquid nicotine and electronic smoking devices.
