California Proposal Would Raise Smoking Age to 21

If successful, proposal would be first in nation to increase the minimum legal smoking age from 18 to 21.

February 03, 2015

SACRAMENTO – Last week, California lawmakers introduced the first state-wide bill to raise the minimum legal age to buy and smoke tobacco products to 21 years old. The bill, known as S.B. 151, was introduced by California State Senator Ed Hernandez (D–West Covina) with support from various medical associations.

The bill states that its primary purpose in the age increase is to protect citizens’ health by reducing the amount of teens getting exposed to smoking in the first place. Additionally, it stresses that “California must fully comply with federal regulations, particularly the ‘Synar Amendment,’ that restrict tobacco sales to minors and require states to vigorously enforce their laws prohibiting the sale and distribution of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age.”

Similar proposals have previously failed in Maryland, Utah, Colorado and New Jersey. Four other states have already taken steps to increase the legal age to purchase tobacco products: Alabama, Alaska, New Jersey and Utah all have a smoking age of 19. If successful, California would be the first state to implement 21 as the minimum age for tobacco purchases. The bill would not apply to e-cigarettes.
