Budweiser to Use Green Hydrogen at U.K. Brewery

The beverage maker is partnering with Protium on the Lancashire project.

March 17, 2023

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—Protium and Budweiser announced that Protium will develop a green hydrogen energy production facility (HPF) in partnership with Budweiser's brewery at its Lancashire site in north-west England.

“Situated adjacent to the brewery, the HPF will provide green hydrogen to meet the thermal demand of the brewing processes, as well as the building’s other heating requirements,” according to The Engineer.

A refueling station for hydrogen-ready HGVs will also be developed as part of the project, with heat from the HPF recovered and used in Budweiser’s bottling process.

When operational, the project will save up to 11,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year. This is equivalent to taking 5,800 cars off the road, offsetting the emissions of 11,156 London to New York return flights, or planting 440,000 trees, according to Protium.

As part of the project, the brewer will make the change to hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, which have the potential to improve local air quality and reduce vehicle noise.

Luiz Brandao, head of procurement and sustainability at Budweiser Brewing Group, said: “Sustainability is core to our business at Budweiser Brewing Group as we work toward net zero ambitions. Innovative solutions like hydrogen have huge potential for reducing our carbon footprint in the U.K. and moving us towards our ambitious sustainability goals.”

Chris Jackson, CEO of Protium, added: “We’re thrilled to announce our intentions to deliver this major investment into green hydrogen energy in Lancashire. Working with the local community will be at the heart of this project. We want to use the local supply chain where possible and engage with the education and business communities to provide upskilling opportunities for the region in green hydrogen energy production.”
