How to Become Digitally Agile

There are certain things c-store retailers should be asking potential vendors to get the most value.

June 28, 2022

Digitally Agile

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—Convenience retailers know they need to be digitally agile, but did you know that certain setups and solutions are positioned to deliver better ROI than others?

This Thursday, June 30, Invenco, along with Fuels Market News (a NACS media company), is hosting a webinar on what it means to be truly digitally agile, and what convenience retailers should be asking of potential vendors to ensure they will drive ongoing value from their selected solutions.

The free webinar “Ensuring Return on Revenue From Digital Transformation Efforts: What to Know and Ask of Your Technology Vendors,” will take place at 2 p.m. EDT. Dan Harrell, chief innovation officer, Invenco, will help answers these questions:

  • What does it mean to be truly digitally agile?
  • What should retailers expect from their technology solutions?
  • What should retailers expect from their technology vendors?
  • How can truly agile, independently owned systems generate maximum return on revenue?

Harrell brings 25 years of experience in the global retail and payment industry. He is responsible for a wide range of initiatives both strategic and directly linked to product delivery including leading the product management team.

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